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The project’s objectives are to:

  1. Create Descriptive Maps through which to understand demand, supply, and accessibility profiles for different categories of SWILA.
  2. Critically examine the consequences of the different legal aid policy models within the UK.
  3. Investigate both the national barriers to provision across categories of SWILA, and the place-specific barriers to provision in different advice desert and drought regions.
  4. Incorporate practitioner- and policy-level knowledge exchange from the outset, with the overall objective of demonstrating how a more sustainable market can be established.

The project will answer three research questions:

  1. How do law and policy interact with place, in each of the three different legal aid systems within the UK, to affect legal need and provision of SWILA?
  2. Why do advice deserts and advice droughts arise for SWILA in some regions or sub-regions, and how can the barriers to provision be overcome?
  3. How is the provision of SWILA experienced by people seeking or receiving advice in different regions of the UK?